Lee Baron (Shirt Review)

We didn’t take them up on their three business day turnaround time and we picked it up one week later. The first noticeable detail on the shirt was that the collar didn’t appear to be the one we asked for. We had requested a semi-spread collar but instead received a spread collar – we let this one slide and decided to review the shirt anyways.


Our first impressions of the shirt fit were very good, especially when considering the price. The shirt was slim but not too snug. Exactly what we wanted. When looking at the shirt from the front there were still some diagonal rumples running down the shirt but this was not too unsightly.


The lateral view shows clean shoulder/sleeve transition. There is also no excess fabric at the shoulder blades. The sleeve length is good and the sleeves themselves are not too baggy or tight.


From the back we can see a nice shape born from the waist suppression. There’s no pulling at the armpit area which also means there’s sufficient room in the upper back for movement.


A decent shirt length allows for less un-tucking during movement. There’s clear tapering out from the hip area to account for the buttocks.


Pattern matching is satisfactory with only a slight mismatch from one shoulder area. Some loose stitches are visible which is similar to our shirt from Jantzen but nowhere near as extreme.


Satisfying pattern matching with the sleeve placket, an improvement from previous Lee Baron shirts.


We noticed they changed their button stitching from a parallel stitch to a cross stitch. Judging from this and the improved craftsmanship, we suspect that they may have changed workshops.

To put it simply, we liked this shirt. We liked it even more when we remembered how little we paid for it in comparison to some of the more expensive tailors. It satisfied all of our criteria when it comes to fit and craftsmanship – at least to our personal standards. If we had to nitpick, the only mistake was the collar style (which is still an easy fix). Starting at a mere $280, they beat the competition with quality, service and efficiency. Lee Baron may not be the Styleforum sweetheart anymore but it won us over with this shirt.

+ Value for money

– Prone to mistakes

2 thoughts on “Lee Baron (Shirt Review)

  1. I actually think that the waist suppression is a bit “overly done”. Probably this is because the upper part of the shirt is cut a bit too wide. It makes the shirt appear to be oversized in the shoulder area.

    (By the way, thanks for the comprehensive and informative reviews. Keep up the great work. Look forward to seeing more reviews.)

  2. Bought thanks to you review 6 shirts. Hopefully they are good. Also the fact that they are very close to intercontinental impacted the decision. Thanks for very good review.

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